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Sunday, May 31, 2009 Y 11:37 PM

I cry for the time that you were almost mine,
I cry for the memories I've left behind,
I cry for the pain, the lost, the old the new,
I cry for the times I thought I had you


Sunday, April 26, 2009 Y 10:29 PM


hello! have not blogged in such such a long time. i realised most of my previous posts were all sad and depressing... sorry if i made y'all feel that way too... anyway, this is going to be a happy post!

hahaha, i just watched 'death bell'' ystd to freak myself out, i have never dared to watch a whole horror movie cos i will watch the 1st 5min and stop...there was once i watched the whole thing, and i never did dare again... anyway, i watch ''death bell'' to freak myself out just for once. let me tell you this: I AM FREAKED OUT. i didnt dare go bathe myself, and i asked my mum to sit outside read newspaper while i bathed. and i play two songs at one time to make it seem more...normal? i played korean song and english songs. hahaha, so stupid right? and then i didnt dare to sleep, so i switched on my lights for the whole night and my mum had to stay up until i fell asleep. and i played music too. until now i still have shivers... *shiver* i watched it because there's kim bum :D:D (i guess y'all wont watch its korean so i shall just spoil it for you..) why must kim bum die (in the movie) i was watching watching and then when he died i was like, ''if i knew he was going to die i wouldnt have watched it... make me freak out for the whole day...'' its super scary, u should watch it!!! its about 20 students trapped in a school, and they had to answer questions cos they are supposedly the 20 most elite students, and for every qn they dont answer they got wrong, they will see their friends die one by one from televisons around the school... AHHHH!!! super scary, and gory also... ALOT OF BLOOD. *shiver* i swear i will never watch another horror movie again, even if there's kim bum in it.
ohoh, and then i just ate the nicest nicest ever wanton mee on thursday. dam nice!!! ahhhhh....i wan another bowl!! its at AMKhub. superb, you should try it.
on thursday was T&F and CGTT finals. i went to CGTT finals cos i had to. it was super exciting!! we shouted like 200 over times hao qiu whenever we won a ball... can see that RGS was trying very hard, but they played well anyway :D anyhow, we won them 3-1! so exciting. XD
the rest of the days are just normal school days.
BY THE WAY, CARROL GOT RASHES ON HER LEG. poor carrol, then everyday she complain say her leg very ugly.. got a lot of dots. then she didnt come on thurs cos her leg swollen, and worst thing was her aunt had to tell her her leg swollen.. then she was quarantined for i dunno how long cos doctor think she got infectious disease (p.s. im updateing for carrol cos she not updating herself.) lol.
i scared for oral on wed... my throat pain from all the screamings on thurs. :(
okok, last thing: WATCH DEATH BELL! super nice :):):)

Friday, April 3, 2009 Y 8:13 PM

two words : im emo-ing

Sunday, March 29, 2009 Y 6:16 PM

Everything's just not going right. i hate everything now. im supposedly doing fnn, but i just cant continue, i dont know why, i dont know how, i dont feel like doing anything although i know im supposed to. leroy is right. logic vs emotions - emotions always wins. everything just doesnt make any sense anymore.

Saturday, March 28, 2009 Y 1:28 PM


hahahaha, twitter!! lol!! wth...

Thursday, March 26, 2009 Y 8:34 PM


i noe u may not read this, but yup who noes u may just happen to past by.

u are another year older already.
thanks for being a great sister for the past 15++ years of my life.
hope that u have a great time today with ur... xD
P.S. try to grow taller than me..is not that difficult to be taller than me. so yea jump more :)) heheh i feel so mean.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Y 11:21 PM


im kind of emo nowadays, so try not to piss me off, seriously...wait.. actually i would rather consider it as weird mood swings.. lol...argh!! im angry...argh im sad...argh im happy, argh im mad.. lol, jkjk, it actually rhymes...hehehe...im a born poet...hurhur...haiya...stupid chem SPA today, why the shit did i spill the shit acid... the cap wasnt screwed on properly, then not knowing, i just yanked it, then everything spill out... my skirt, hands, legs, shoes and my whole table was full of acid, super itchy...and my worksheet dissolved, can see the words..how do you describe it?...err...smudging to one huge piece of black shit? ok, i dunno how to say... aiya i just want to forget about it, forget about everything.. then i wont feel so miserable inside. sometimes they say wads done is done, forget about it...but thats the thing! its done, you cant do anything about it, thats the thing. sheesh... lalalalala...im so happy now, lalalalala...tralalalala...this is wad i call mood swings.

Saturday, March 14, 2009 Y 11:50 PM


in fact, i think its worst than school. e-learning isnt all that great either... i have to go back to school practically EVERYDAY...firstly, wed to fri (e learning days) i have to go back everyday for 4hrs of fnn in the morning at 8, so i have to wake up at 6+ cos my dad fetched both me n my bro and my bro has sch, then after that is tuition...so i reach home at 8 everyday... so there goes my 3 fine days... then came the sat, i have my own personal stuffs that i have to handle, just came back home... then sunday, where i will be mostly sleeping, like duh... and then mon, where i have to chiong all my homework (yes, every single one of them), instead of enjoying the holiday. then tues, i have chem SPA, then Bio remedial, then tuition, then another tuition, so i will be out from 9am to 10PM...then comes the dam i am gifted so are you programme for the next freaking 3 days, practically out for the whole day, then come back sleep. sat, personal stuffs again, sun, chiong whatever homework and sleep....
doesnt sound like holiday at all, damn you school, i hate school now (except for my dear dear maths)... they sound so sarcastic, all the teachers going over the PA system... ''dear girls, today is tuesday, the last day of school, i hope that you will enjoy your holidays, keep up with work, play hard, but not too hard...''
i dont think i can even get to play...come to speak of it, when was the last time i played hard? long long time ago... now in my free time (wait do i even have free time?) i will watch Boys over flowers!! my favourite drama!!! hmm... its the only thing that keeps me happy nowadays anyway...wait wait... actually it isnt, still got my little doggy... teeheeheeee...is so cute!!

ok ppl, enjoy your holidays!! (tsk...holidays?!!?)

Friday, March 13, 2009 Y 1:34 PM

hihihihi...im in sch..in com lab...fnn cw lsson just over, i hand in alr...but the rest havent...so now im waiting for mrs foong to go out then can watch my drama!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009 Y 2:58 PM


hello!! lol, my doggy the hair all grow out alr, now he's one hairy dog, as in, really really hairy...then my house got hairballs flying everywhere... abit disgusting... lol...

Sunday, February 15, 2009 Y 5:36 PM

lol...i was just reading about christian bale's fit
they actually made a rap out of it...
crazy people... i pity the shane person...lol

btw, cedar fiesta was great, so re4 nao4... :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009 Y 9:55 PM


omg!! sec 4 year is so stressful!! i reach home late everyday. i reach home earliest also around 6-7pm... most of the days is 9.30 almost 10. sometimes even 11. when i reach home i will be so tired, but wad to do? still have to complete homework... and by the time i cimplete the homework, it will be past midnight, and my eyes wont open without the help of my hands. no time to spend with my family. although im always at home, but i miss my family :( i miss ice skating, i miss sleeping at 11pm, i miss sms-ing whenever i wan to, i miss saying goodnights. shit im just emo-ing here... i slept for 16hrs last night, and now im sleepy again. when will i ever be fully awake again? the worst thing is -- i have to go for stupid ART programme where i have to stay back 1hr after school. please la, i nid to go 4hrs of maths tuition 3 times a week, plus all other tuitions. im going to burst my head. commit suicide. tear all my hair out. i wish i didnt have to take o levels, i wish life was just happiness, without all the stress, school, tuition, exams.

okay i poured everything out. well not everything... but i feel much better already. heeheehee, my doggy is sleeping on my lap now. leading such a happy life, without having to compete for good results, without being pressured to get L1R5 of less than 8.9. being a rich man's dog is the best thing ever, you get to run around the backyard, sticking out your tongue like nobody'd business, eating expensive first class food, playing with high class doggy toys, and playing with a doggy friend.. i wish our lifes were like that, empty of stress. but i guess its just going to get much worst. when its 'a' levels, then university, get a degree, then into the working world, working your heart out to impress your boss, to become a boss, to supply ur family with the money. and then you retire, and die... the way i said it, life has no meaning... just die now, spare the hardships....

okay i poured everything alr :) HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! p.s. i dunno why the mickey mouse down there is wavy..

Y 4:15 PM


Happy Chinese New Year! ~huiling

Y 1:27 PM

there huiling here my doggy pic.
no time to update recently...really too many tuition and hw till i dun really get enough time to sleep at all.. rawrrr.
gtg le. im going for a 1-day criuse in just a few hours to celebrate cny. and relax myself. :) bye

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Y 11:21 PM


Carrol!! i wan see your doggy boy boy photo!

heeheeeee, then they can be doggy frens XD

Monday, January 19, 2009 Y 12:03 AM


hello! im bored so im blogging..i having been sick for almost a month now... sheesh... i have been sick for the whole 2009 year so far :( flu, then fever, then flu, then sore throat, then flu again, then fever, then now im back to flu, ahahaha, i miss being not sick. the worst thing is i got fever on the bdae!! so couldnt go ice skating. only after my bdae did i recover from fever. and then i got fever again on saturday morning. i thought i couldnt make it for sunday class bbq, so i smsed everyone and said im not going, was so sad lah... then WAHLAH! fever vanished on sunday morning =.= what kind of flu virus did i get?? maybe 1 yr later it will be known as the ''huiling flu fever repeating syndrome'',hehehe...shortform is HFFRS, hehehehehe, its so fun naming viruses after me :D
anyway, we had class bbq yesterday!! i was late by 2 hrs, hehe sry guys! but i didnt have appetite...so didnt eat much, mostly ate marshmallows :) marshmallows are nice :) then mdm audra said she know me and carrol share blog, and she has been reading our blog, zomg! HI MDM AUDRA (if you are reading this)!!! i wonder of she understands all this shortforms we are using :P all broken english :O
mdm audra's condo super nice lah, like wildlife resort, i want to live there :) anyway, back to the bbq. we had chicken wings, hot dogs, crabstick, fishballs, stingrays, sotong, choco banana, otah etc etc. crap...im drooling at the thought of it, im hungry now. post-fever appetite is here to strike!! anyway it was really fun, haha, queenie was dam lame lah, she did some really funny stuffs... anyway, 4P rox!

ohoh, i got A1 for chi o lvl!!!!!!!!! A1!!!!!!!!!! i was expecting A2 or smthing... omg, at least i secured one A1 for now :)
okay i have to sleep alr:)
im so tired, still got flu :(
okay bye!

p.s. i love the new blog song, its my favourite song! (for now)

Saturday, January 3, 2009 Y 8:33 PM


Whoohoo!! i havent updated for very long again... lol... a bit sian of blogging liao...

anyway, school started yesterday, it was nice to see the sec ones with their long long skirts. so cute lah.. anyway, our form teacher is Mdm Audra!! i tink she very nice, chubby chubby de :):) and (according to timetable) our maths tcr is still eric tan, plus a person called chew foo kim, carrol said that chew foo kim is nice :P our chem teacher is still michael chia. got double session with him on the first day alr, but lucky projector spoil, so no lesson in the end. and we talked for two whole periods :D our bio tcr is ms chaiw and margaret wong. sad...no more mr lim... our ss tcr is faridah and lim kim chu, eek...two ss tcrs...other than that everything's still the same... oh yeah jogging's here again! hahahaha, can lose some weight that i got over the holidays, and those that i will get during chinese new year :D

anyway, this is the 'O' levels year, scary lei... i still cant register the fact that im sec 4...sounds so old...then this year will be full of talks talks and talks... worst thing is the hall no aircon lah... then everybody sweat, then become so stinky and humid... they are those so called 'motivational' talks... i dont think they ever work on me, or on anybody. maybe they should just get rid of it and focus on lessons since they keep saying that sec 4 year very rush, no time... hmmm, maybe its because of all these talks that we dont have the time for lessons...

oh yeah!! lets talk about the holidays!!! i bought doggy!! his name is Yaki and he's dam cute! hahaha, not the yucky yucky, its the teppanyaki that yaki :)

here are some photos... p.s. he bit me on the first day he came home...evil dog..

him on the first day that i bought him home, he wasnt toilet trained yet so he had to be in a cage :(
him taken somewhere in november :) isnt he cuteeeee?
heeheehee... maybe when i blog next time i will put up some more photos :)
but for now, tata!!

P.s. totally no offence to my dear muslim frens yeah?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Y 3:55 PM


hope u like my big pooh bear and the chocco cornflakes that i made for u :)))

u been a really great friend these 3 years for i dun noe how to survive without u in 3p.

see ya soon on friday :D

yesterday was a greaat day :)) amaths test was so easy :)) if only this was o level man..
then did some uopa thing after that with huimin wileen yolanda. i am supposed to do the pasting and guess wad? i used 1.5stack of foolscaps and 3.5sticks of glue sticks. imagine the things that we need to paste in total. but i have fun doing it though. guess wad maam chew is 4O form teacher next year. hahaha good luck man cheryl and suyi.yea then wileen treat the 3 of us to prata :)) then the 3 dingdong left to walk to potong pasir instead of taking bus there. i didnt join them since im lazy.. so yea i took 26 home. yea that all.

wenhui just ask me a stupid question.. take ic photo wear white shirt can or not?
guess wad i told her. yea can then i can only see ur head floating in the pic. hahaha.
tmr her bday and is the last day of the year. no wonder she so small.hehehe jkjk only.
and she will only get her ic like next year.hahaha i got mine yesterday le. heheh okay im talking crap now. that all bb

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 Y 12:23 PM


ok shall update about what happened last week..

had a bbq party at huiling's house to sort of send liching off before she migrate to australia..
huiling condo was like super far from my house and guess what? i took the LRT for the first time :)) yea is feel like a slow rollercoaster. heheh. oh yes huling's condo look like a grand hotel lah...dam nice..and her dog is like so cute :DD had a great day there.& liching we will miss u lots de.

went to watch twilight with perseus :DD the show was pretty nice..and edward rocks man..
ate kway chap with suyi and gene for lunch.as exepected suyi loves the egg- eggeater.heheh
after the show..we walk around then i went home first le..cause i have to rush home to bath,take my luggage and go meet my parents and my uncle's family at habourfront to board the cruise.
i took the mrt alone with my luggage..people are like staring at me- i bet they are like think why is this little girl taking mrt alone with her luggage..must be a runaway kid. hahaha
fastforward to sunday..the cruise was as usual eat eat eat play play play. there was so many things to eat..oh and i gain 1kg when i came back :O this time i stay in the balcony class room on board the cruise..it the higher class room :) but it will be soo much more fun if my sister got go with me..rather than my cousin.

went to bake cookies at my aunt house..yea it turn out quite okay to mee. heheh then watch tv 3 hours straight :)) love blossoms 2 and 2 epi of the little nonya :)
gosh i still got lost of hw to do.. argg i hate LIT.stupid _ gave us so many hw.
ok bb

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Y 11:38 PM


1. The person who passed you this quiz is..
Carrol Yeeeee

2. Your relationship with him/her is....
classmate, ex- classmate

3. Your 5 impressions of him/ her:
1. happy (most of the time she's smiling, makes you happy too)
2. she really likes baking and wants to bake
3. she loves pink
4. very cute when she runs (like a penguin :D)
5. very very loyal friend :))

4. The most memorable thing he she has done for you:
nothing in specific, but i still love her a lot :)

5. The most memorable words he she has said to you:
''i wan dog dog''

6. If she becomes your lover, you will...
eek, lesbian... anyway i will give her everything thats pink

7. If she becomes your lover, things he/she should improve on...
i like it the way she is :)

8. If she becomes your enemy....
i will lose a best friend :(

9. If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be...
we are too alike

10. The most desired thing you want to do for her now is...
give her evrything thats pink ;)

11. Your overall impression of him/her is....
A best friend.

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
i dont know.... how do you feel about me?

13. The characteristics you love about yourself are...
im born on 29 dec. (it makes me feel younger :D)

14. On the contrary, the characteristics you hate about yourself are...
i have too much baby fats on my face :(

15. The most ideal person you want to be is...

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them...
Thank You :))))

17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you...
1. felicia L.
2. Felicia C.
3. jia xuan
4. charmaine
5. agnes
6. jasmine
7. amirah
8. daphne
9. eunice
10. fatimah (memoo)

18. Who is no.6 having a relationship with at the moment?
jasmine: she's not into relationships.

19. Is no.9 a male or female?
Eunice: Female

20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
amirah + fatimah: yeah, they are already together :)

21. How about no.8 and 5?
agnes + daphne: well... i dont know if they kept in touch... but if they did, yeah

22. What is no.2 studying?
Felicia C. : i dont know, she very hardworking one :)

23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
jiaxuan: 3hrs ago.

24. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
daphne: piano songs

25. Does no.1 has any siblings?
Felicia L: eh...i think she got a younger brother..... i tink

26. Will you woo no.3?
jia xuan: nope she is just my good fren.

27. How about no.7?
she is very nice to hang out with, but then i will be breaking the law (lesbian dating).

28. Is no.4 single?
charmaine: yeah

30. What is the hobby of no.4?
charmaine: arashi, making blogskins...

31. Do no.5 and 9 get along well?
agnes + eunice: they dont know each other..

32. Where is no.2 studying at?
Felicia C.:eh...CGSS?

33. Say something casually about no.1
Felicia L: felilaliloo.

34. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
daphne: eek no

35. Where does no.9 live at?
eunice: ang mo kio

36. What colour does no.4 like?
jia xuan: pink?

37. Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
agnes + Felicia L= nope they dont know each other.

38. Does no.7 likes no.2?
amirah - Felicia C.: yeah sure, amiroo loves everyone and everyone loves her too :)

39. How do you get to know no.2?
Felicia C.: same class 3P/4p

40. Does no.1 have any pets?
Felicia L.: yeap a hamster named hammy

41. Is no.7 the sexiest girl in the world?
amirah: hahahaha, she's cute..

42. Do you think its possible if no.4 and no.5 date each other?
jiaxuan + agnes= nah, they dont know each other

43. Say something more about no.6...
jasmine: tao3 ren2 xi3 huan1
44. What is your relationship with no.9...
eunice: pri sch mates.

45. List all the schools that no.1 to no.10 are in and originally from:
1. Felicia L- rosyth
2. Felicia C - rosyth
3. jiaxuan - ?
4. charmaine- pei chun
5. agnes- south view
6. jasmine- ?
7. amriah - ?
8. daphne- south view
9. eunice- south view
10. fatimah- ?

46. What would you do if no.10 hates you?
fatimah: everyday get booked cos she prefect :)

47. Which of the following are in a relationship?
hmm...i dont know..

48.How did you first met no.3?
jiaxuan: xuchang and her were frens, me and xuchang were frens, so naturally we hung out tgt

49. How would you react if no.3 and no.10 are together?
jiaxuan + fatimah: HAHAHAHA.

50. Last question! What would you do if no.10 tells you she is pregnant?
fatimah: O.M.G


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The girls.

we are both from Cedar Girls' Secondary School,
Secondary 1H'06 2H'07 3P'08 4P'09.
carrol is from NPCC- perseus,
huiling is from table tennis.
we have quite alike birthday just that huiling is smaller than carrol by two months.
carrol's birthday- 29 October 1993
huiling's birthday- 29 December 1993

More than words.

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Artist: Shontelle feat. Akon.


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